PREMIUM Properties

Daily Currency Rates

Currency Rate
U.S. Dollar (USD) 33.38
British Pound (GBP) 43.92
Euro (EUR) 37.11
Australian Dollar (AUD) 22.54
Canadian Dollar (CAD) 24.54
Swiss Franc (CHF) 39.44
Chinese Yuan (CNY) 4.71
Japanese Yen (JPY) 0.24
Russian Rouble (RUB) 0.37
Hong Kong Dollar (HKD) 4.28
Indian Rupee (INR) 0.40
Singapore Dollar (SGD) 25.75
Thai Baht (THB) 1.00

Preparing your house for sale 

1. It should always be available at short notice for viewings. If inconvenient leave a key with the property consultant. Remember the buyer has little time here and lots of other property to see so you must co-operate or potentially lose a sale! 
2. Best not to be at home when the property consultant visits with the buyer or make yourself scarce, otherwise the buyer feels as if they are intruding and not be able to visualize living there. If you are asked to show them around ensure you leave them after in privacy to talk together and look around. 
3. First Impressions – Buyers arrival and first view is often the most important, so make sure the exterior of the property is up to standard, garden up kept, lawn mowed, gutters cleaned, windows clean etc. 
4. Interior tidiness- ensure the house is spotless and all personal belongings are stored away and everything looks shipshape e.g. toys, clothes, magazines, shoes put away etc. 
5. Room Airing - Rooms not used regularly should be aired and use some potpourri or something natural to take away any smells. 
6. Pets - Lock them away prior to any visit and do not involve the buyer with them as not everyone is a pet lover and they are a distraction. Also remove pet food bowls and any visible sign of habitation where possible especially smells. 
7. Lighting - turn on all interior lights even in daytime as this makes everything appear bigger and more appealing. 
8. Paint work - A lick of paint can work wonders and it pays to refresh the look of the property prior to resale as well as mending any cracks and putting the property in the same condition as when it was new. 
9. Rubbish - remove bathroom and kitchen rubbish to avoid lingering smells. 
10. The buyer may wish to ask further questions and you should be available at short notice to answer them. 
11. Plants - Greenery livens up a room and some well place plants can be beneficial.